Sunday, September 25, 2011

august-september happenings

hello again.  it's me, michelle.  the last month has been pretty busy.  i've received lots of encouraging feedback from the fem-in-us show.  i attended a show at the garrett museum of art this friday (figured. out) and a gal i went to school with said she heard some good things from a write-up.  the show is coming down this week, and this was the first i had heard of it, therefore i searched.  below is the complete article from the fort wayne reader.

Feminine wiles
The Fem-In-Us show at Artlink
Fort Wayne Reader

For nearly a decade, Motherlode Group, a curatorial collective based in Fort Wayne, has been producing some of the most exciting regional survey exhibitions, based around a sometimes ambiguously gendered template. Originally constructed to promote the work of women in the local arts scene, Motherlode has expanded its view to one of a more open-ended, inclusive aesthetic that deals with the artists reaction to, exploration of, or obsession with some aspect of femininity. This art is produced by any gender and the general feeling to their exhibitions has some aspect of humor with the addition of phrases like "You don't need an ovary to participate when X and Y co-habitate.”

In the most recent exploration of femininity through art, Motherlode Group brings us "Fem-In-Us", an abbreviated form of "Feminine in all of us", which takes the form of a large invitational group exhibition containing some of Fort Wayne's old guard, emerging, and new-comer artists. This exciting, cross-disciplinary, inquisitive body of art is a wonderful exhibition of how third wave feminism intersects with art theory to create a product greater than the sum of its parts. "Fem-In-Us" gently reminds the viewer of issues facing women, and educates them about the ever-changing identity of the feminine, while making all of this accessible and humorous.

"Fem-In-Us" includes beautiful pieces of art from artists like Daniel Dienelt, some of which aren't necessarily reminiscent of his signature style; a portrait of a vestal woman by Katie M. Moore; and humorous, almost cartoonish images by Justin Henry Miller. While "Fem-In-Us" is full of other excellent artists like Suzanne Galazka, John Gruse, Justin Johnson, Amanda Joseph, Mary Klopfer, and Dominick Manco, there were a few artists whose work was able to make a strong presence both visually and conceptually within the broad context of the exhibition. Artists like Sommer Starks, Jeremy McFarren and Erin Patton, Amy Reff, Michelle Diller offer works which reach deep into art history and visually hold their own in this exceptionally strong exhibition.

Sommer Starks was given another rare chance to let her installation work shine with three pieces, each distinct, but carrying Starks' signature brand of unnervingly combining material and concept to produce a somewhat creeping feeling which stays with the viewer after they explore the pieces. "The Mother Load" greets the viewer as they enter the gallery, in the form of multiple mixed mixed cerebral structures hanging from the ceiling, inhabiting some sort of space in between birth, life, and death. "Molter No. 3-10" an installation of multiple smaller pieces, mixes high minimalistic gridded sculptural forms with post-minimal process based organic structures in the form of webs of human hair, lint balls, and scraps of string. "Hair Story" a combination of both human and synthetic hair, is a wonderful installation that is visually read in a similar manner to a written text, likely the title's reference, or another visual language like sheet music. These "verbal" and "linguistic" chunks of weave reference a distinctly feminine narrative, but the abstracted nature allows the viewer to question more than answer the piece.

Michelle Diller's three photographic pieces, "The Heel Pop," "The Educated Stance," and "The Leisurely Stroll" are all headless feminine forms focusing on the posture and clothing of these unidentified women. While each image produces a somewhat stereotypical female concept through the wearing of dresses and in-general “girlie” clothing, and proper and demure physicality, they also represent more modern ideas of a woman's role. The blatant but quiet inclusion of the female figures being very conscious of their body and ability to flirt, the importance of education, and lack of domestic constraints all represent a contemporary identity. Diller's powerful restraint allows her work to invite the viewer in and then imprint them.

Amy Reff's "Skanky Hankys" entitled "Floozy," "Bitch," and "Skank" are exactly what they sound like. These word-based embroidered art pieces are formally incredibly beautiful, including the appropriated handkerchief patterns with the directly placed words and all of the baggage they represent for woman-kind. This re-appropriation of words in combination with appropriation of physical objects is incredibly clever, and adds an almost Duchampian "assisted ready made" aspect to the work.

Finally, Jeremy McFarren and Erin Patton's installation "Glimpse," a composition of seven sewing circle frames which at first seem somewhat common. Upon further inspection, this husband and wife artist collaboration brings pieces that become interesting abstractions both two and three dimensional. The lacy fabric stretched across the frames partially covers abstracted drawings which lay on the other side of the frame, creating a hollow space with graphic picture planes on either side. The viewer is then challenged to see the art inside the objects, interacting with the pieces as conduits to see the art. The total piece is read as an object which both obscures and draws out the total image, itself a producer of third piece within the artwork, being the relationship of the viewer to the sculptural object.

"Fem-In-Us" effortlessly creates one of the most interesting and conceptually diverse exhibitions of 2011, finding ways to bring about both feminine and universal ideas to the viewer. This stimulating experience continues throughout the whole exhibition and shows just how strong our arts community can be.

*Special Note:This will be Artlink's final exhibition in the Hall Community Center after nearly two decades in this space. In October, Artlink will be moved to the Auer Center for Arts and Culture.
in addition to the show, i took a quick trip to chi-town with jacques last month.  we visited the museum of science and industry...were able to see body worlds...which was amazing! as well as suited for space, which was pretty sweet as well.  the planetarium, the sears (now willis) tower and giordano's pizza completed our trip.
later, ohio welcomed us.  we visited my favorite farm.  mostly it's my favorite because it belongs to my aunt and uncle and i get to see them, my cousins and my favorite friend amanda.  and eat well (3 squares plus delicious snacks) all the while.  lots of fun.
jacques turned 25 this i welcomed the old man into the 25 and over group with a birthday shin-dig complete with both of our families.  he doesn't like people to make a big deal over he wasn't pleased i was throwing him a party, but he showed up and enjoyed himself nonetheless :)
let me just tell you that i love september.  it's one of my favorite months of the year: autumn officially begins, the air turns crisp, i can wear scarves again (without people making fun of me so much), wearing sweatshirts and sitting around bonfires becomes a frequent weekend occurrence.  and i have eight or so best friends/loved ones who have birthdays.  seriously...jacques, amanda, cheryl, kate, andrea, grandma barnes, my sister jacque,'s birthday mayhem trying to find specific gifts for all of them, while not exceeding a small budget.  but it's lots of fun.

so, anyway, september is almost gone, and i'm back to blogging.  things to look forward to...a post on the books i'm reading/have read lately, some photos of baby asa, maybe a few chicago pictures...who knows!

thanks for reading!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

ths friday

night is the opening for the fem-in-us show at artlink here in fort wayne from 6-9pm.  here are what my final images look like.  i warmed them up a bit and did a tad more tweaking.  they are printed on a lovely archival double-weight matte paper (my favorite) and are framed in a simple black frame up to the edge.  go and see them in person.  i forgot to say please.  

and happy perusing.  don't worry...i will be posting about something different soon.  promise!

Sunday, July 31, 2011


these three images are what i have come up with for the fem-in-us show.  i still have a bit of tweaking to do on them, but am pretty pleased thus far.  my idea changed a few times, but when i went to shoot this time, it was clear that i would leave these as straight photographs and not collage onto them.  i will print and frame them separately, but also like them as a single piece.  i still do not have exact titles for them, but they will most likely be one word descriptors.  i hope you like them :)

here's to a great week!
cheers :)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

here i am

again.  hooray, right?  i'm trying very hard to keep up my end of this thing.

today has been a good day.  let's backtrack a bit.  yesterday was a good day.  after work i made a target run with my mama (we frequently enjoy "target-runs" well as the fresh market!) and afterwards we went to joann's.  lately i've had the urge to sew and as i walked past the sewing section, a few books caught my eye.  The Best of sew simple magazine jumped into my arms and never left them until i turned every page and soaked up every beautiful project.  needless to say, home it came with me...for me to drool over some more.  now onto today.  after church and lunch, i decided to be creative and productive, although a nap would have been heaven!  down to the basement i went, on a mission to un-earth my sewing machine.  a couple of years ago (yes, i said years) john, my brother-in-law, gifted me his grandmother's old kenmore sewing machine, manual, table, thimble and all.  my mother's machine had always been my go-to-machine until recently, when it decided to take a break...who knows how long it will be on vacation for.  thus the mission to get out my very own, obviously sears-bought machine and try it out.  to my joy, the little old lady works like a charm :)  now that she's out and warmed up, she just needs me to get a few supplies.  i believe some lovely little pot holders will be our first project together.

did i mention i am going to have a booth in the markle festival this year?  my friend holly is in charge of the creative side of things there this year and the booth is free!  so i will be there, august 20, trying to sell cute old ladies and thrifty young ones my artwork as well as some hand-made crafts.  and i thought why not pot holders???  haha.  there is still a lot i need to do to get ready for that, but am very excited!  i needed a little boost to get some new things going!

speaking of markets and such, i bought these adorable little colored pencils made from twigs at a farmer's market in MI a few weeks ago.  thought i would share them with you.  five dollars might have been a little steep for them, but i splurged anyway.  one of those "had to have" things.
so here's to creativity and a productive week ahead!

michelle :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

oh man...

it's been a while. i think about you every faithful blog followers, you. i must admit i struggle with technology. not working with it, but with spending my time in the proverbial world as opposed to the "real world." i would rather sit down with a cup of tea and read a good book or crochet instead of checking email or facebook (of which i am thinking about deleting my account), looking up videos, updating my blog...but i really just need to find a good balance. i desire to update this little blog every week at least. i have so many ideas on what my next post/s should be, on what photo i should edit next...and yet have such a hard time making myself sit at this lovely little desk, in this lovely little chair to spend time on these things. things i do find valuable...unlike facebook. (get the bad vibes?)

so, i'm going to do it. i'm also working on my website finally. when i was in school i didn't want to set up a temporary one, but wanted to wait on a professional one. that fell through twice now, and have decided not to go the professional route (where someone with a web design degree designs the site specifically catered to moi) but to "just do it"...which is a new motto of mine as of late. so, i'm researching which host to go with (you may suggest one if you have a stellar idea!)

in my last post...way long ago...i told you i was going to be working on some things for some upcoming shows. i have already submitted a piece to the artlink member's show...of which is pictured down below. it is a piece from my digital imaging class, which i have not shown yet, but definitely like.

"domestic gathering of myselves"

i have lots of ideas floating around in my head and on scrap pieces of paper as to what i am going to do for my next show, of which i am allowed three pieces. i'm working on formulating some domestic collage-style images with many layers. i just hope i give myself enough time to shoot for it and get them all put together before they are due!

that is all for tonight. i hope to post some on vacation and other summer fun-ness-es soon!


p.s. to my aunt and uncle...i love you guys and need to see you soon!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

i''m so behind

in lots of things.
mostly creative things.
i still have not been able to sit down and devote hours to editing christmas photos...which i would like to do.
i have lots of other photos to edit as well.
photos for my sister...of her kiddos (and if i wait too long, there will be another to add into the mix)
photos of mandy and michael from their wedding...this one i'm a little embarrassed about.
photos of Jacques' nephew from his first birthday (although half-way done)
and other creative things i'm behind on...creating artwork for upcoming shows.
two shows specifically i'm going to participate in are "the fem-in-us" and "artlink member's show"
in addition to all of these, i am taking photos of two sweet little girls on sunday afternoon who are cousins and both just turned one. so exciting! i'm trying to come up with some lovely and creative ideas for them! and then i will edit/print/etc.
so, needless to say...i need to get on the ball!!!
no more procrastinating.
in fact, i'm going to go work on that before i have to clock in at work today.


Thursday, March 17, 2011


green day...

because i apparently have irish in my background...

but really i just like green :)


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

love him!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

green things

make me happy. but if you know me, you already knew that. this is probably one of my favorite wall papers ever and it has in fact been my proverbial wall paper on my computer multiple times (i frequently change my background image...adds some spice to my life). a guys blog i used to stalk, who lived in fort wayne, but has now moved on to bigger and better things in seattle, took this image of actual wall paper during his travels and it has become one of my favorite things.

another color i am obsessed with recently is gray. i just can't get enough of it. whenever jacques and i get married, the color scheme will most likely be white, black, gray with a hint of green...classy with a touch of funk. haha. but enough of dream world...back to gray. last year i painted my room a warm "dorian gray" color. love it. lots of white accents and storage bins and some antique things and of course my favorite green color sprinkled throughout. i'll post pictures once it is completely finished. still working on a few things...the perfect room takes time, you know. other gray things...shirts, shoes, socks, scarves, bags, gray skinny jeans...anything that is gray automatically gets a second look. i know, it's not fair to the other colors out there, but i do have my favorites. now, back to pay for those gray things along with school bills...yay!

much love!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


so, here i am, at my desk again...taking a break from writing. soon this thing...this thing i call my thesis...will be over. it should have been done last semester, but due to lack of motivation and all of the other things going on, like my internship and other class work, i just did not put enough time and energy into the darn thing. luckily, i have an amazing adviser who gave me an extension until this coming friday. i just hope, now that i have the drive to finish it, that it gets done on time, and is still up to par! i was struggling with a lack of resources, but decided to just include that dilemma into my paper and offer suggestions as to why there is not much written about nostalgia in works of art. it's slow going, but thus far i have re-vamped my intro, addressed my dilemma and defined characteristics of nostalgia in works of art, and have started on my artistic influence section. this section starts with some of the female photographers back in late 1800s, early 1900s who were creating photographs for artistic purposes, and proving themselves to critics that their work was "High Art" just as painting was. Pictorialism was their sort of genre and a lot of the photographs have a softness to them. nostalgia was not their goal, but their imagery exudes it. i will talk about a few artists in between these early pictorialists and contemporary artists and then discuss my own work and how it is influenced by them and what i am trying to get across to the viewer. i'm about 1/4 done now, but hope to be more like 3/4 done by the end of today.

this image is one of maggie taylor's. i discovered her in my digital imaging class last semester and she will be included in my thesis. i think her work is just lovely. she has done a series on alice and wonderland that is quite beautiful and original to her style as well. you should check her out. seriously.

well, i just needed a moment of procrastination. thanks.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

on shoes...

so, for some of you, this just might be a very boring post...actually for most it probably will be. please accept my up front apology. haha.

so shoes...
i have recently purchased two new pairs of shoes. both are earth brand because they rock and are very comfortable to wear all day when standing at work :) if you don't know much about earth shoes, they have a negative heel and you should google them and order a pair while you're at it. so, after christmas, i decided to use some funds and buy some much needed boots. haven't had a pair since middle school sledding and snow days. haha. those were fun. franke park, yes.

black, comfortable, on sale...right up my alley.

the second pair i bought are these gray lovelies. also very comfortable and trendy. yes, this was my splurge, but free shipping :)

these shoes will see much use and wear. standing all day means comfortable shoes are necessary. thank you earth shoes for providing that for me. haha. and now i'm done with my shoe rave. thanks for listening/reading. other brands i find comfortable and trendy: merrell, softs (although i don't own any yet, but jess is getting me hooked), clarks (the ones that don't look like everyday old lady shoes...because they do sell those too). but mostly earth shoes are what i wear.

now you tell me what your favorite shoes are...

and next time i'll write about something more interesting to you...promise!