Tuesday, November 16, 2010

my twenty page thesis paper

is not my favorite. i can't find enough sources to back up my ideas and thoughts. but i'm trying. here's my working thesis..."working" mind you!

"There is a trend in contemporary art today of artists using nostalgia in their work. The advancements in technology and industrialization in our society have caused some to long for the past. Artists working with this idea, portraying nostalgia of some sort through their work, are sending a powerful message to the viewer that things of the past still hold value."

(very beginning stages) although my intro has come along nicely. if you don't care much about this topic, please forgive this boring post. i just have to put down my ideas somewhere...so why not here.

in this paper i will be talking about specific artist working with this theme, mostly female artists and their calling back to domestic ways...if i can find enough info. i will also be addressing my own artwork and how it fits into this particular theme as well.

any thoughts???
