Tuesday, August 25, 2009

to school i return

day two of the fall semester almost over and i'm down for the count. more overwhelmed than anticipated, currently naming it syllabus shock. let's take a look at the schedule.

work 8:30-12 noon
experimental photography 2-3:45
work out
zone out

work out
philosophy of religion 2-3:15 (how did i get myself into a 400 level philosophy course???)
high renaissance art history 3:30-4:45
4th level printmaking 6:30-9:15
zone out

work 9-5

work 9-3 (alternating)

corporate worship in the am
work out
zone out

*schedule subject to change...and probably will change due to the fact that as the semester progresses, so does my level of stress and all of the projects/papers that need to be completed. working out has been the first thing to go in the past...this semester i'm going to try my best to make it to the gym about three times a week. exercise = endorphins = less stress & more productivity.

my schedule may look simple on paper, but i have actually left out quite a bit that happens in the course of a week. multiple meetings at school, Artlink, etc., coffee dates i try to squeeze in with friends (so they don't think i hate them and also for my sanity), time spent with family, time putting together work for upcoming shows, openings i'm required to attend, openings i'm not required to attend, time spent reeling film and processing photos in the darkroom, brainstorming for projects, babysitting the niece and nephew (for my baby fix & their parent's sanity), lending a hand when someone needs it, lending an ear when someone needs it, baking for stress relief as well as for my taste buds, taking/editing photos for people...

when i'm in school, it is usually a tough time for me. i like you. i want to spend time with you, and yet i have so many other things demanding my time and energy. this semester and next are going to be particularly challenging, as they are the last of my studio art degree. i must create cohesive work. good...no, Amazing work. kind of puts the pressure on. so, do bear with me as i will be trying very hard to balance everything.

once my projects get underway, i'll be posting images and what-nots for your viewing pleasure.

for now, enjoy the fact that you are currently not in school.

until you return again,


  1. The plans of the diligent lead to profit ... (Prov 21:5)

  2. In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps. Proverbs 16:9

    For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
