Thursday, August 27, 2009

'Andrea's Adventures'

a loveliest of friends is leaving for Neuchatel, Switzerland today. this little step she has waited nearly three years for, in addition to another seven, in addition to at least another five, but officially three. ever since i have known her, she has been in this state of waiting. knowing that she never quite 'fit' here, waiting for release, direction, affirmation, and support, that 'feels like home' kind of place.

i've learned a lot over the past few years from andrea. two words specifically she helped me better understand: patience & simplicity. in this time of waiting, she has been nothing but patient. even when expressing thoughts and feelings to a close friend, she could have never been misconstrued as being impatient. simplicity comes from her life starting as an mk (missionary kid) in the D.R. always using what you have, not worrying about what you don't have. enjoying the simple things in life. a good cup of tea, a piece of DeBrand dark chocolate, a little flower beckoning attention, a postcard sent via snail mail.

i have high hopes of being able to visit andrea while in Europe (as you know it's one of my favorite places to be). if not, Africa does sound pretty adventurous (where she'll be working for a few years). if nothing else, i'll be looking forward to her postcards and emails as we continue our friendship over the span of the sea. i'm already thinking of interesting things to send her, not in a box, but open postage. get excited.

these next photos are from our last breakfast together in her empty (almost-empty) apartment. it was a lovely morning.

missing you already andrea,


  1. You made my day. I felt I got to nibble strawberries with you on the blue-print-ish carpet. Give a hug for me if you still have a chance - otherwise I might have to fly inter-continent and do it myself. (Darn.)
