Saturday, November 21, 2009

dear best proverbial friends,

i write you while sitting at my desk in my still-unfinished room (which i feel is impossible to be productive in), when i should be writing a well thought out, expertly crafted art history paper. thus far i have a rough thesis. that's it. no intro paragraph, no body, no conclusion, just a rough thesis that i will eventually tweak, and yet i write...

to you.

i miss you. i miss sharing my creativity with you.

after the holiday of turkey and cranberry sauce i will have one more week of classes, then finals...and then i will return in full creative force with imagery from this past semester. get excited. i am.

with that said, i should probably regreso (that's Spanish for return) to my oh so lengthy paper and stop procrastinating. yes. good idea.

thanks for waiting.

your bpf,


  1. A lot of my blog posts are the product of procrastinating on some other project.

  2. you're making me want to have a blog.... so i could procrastinate more effectively, of course.

  3. at least the post was inspiring in some form :)

  4. praying for the end of your semester so you'll post again...
