Tuesday, January 3, 2012

let the new year begin!

hello to my dear readers!  it has been a long time since we've met.  i hope you won't hold it against me.

my favorite months zoomed by...september, october...and then november and december.  i actually had/have lots to post, just needed to get on this small box, plugged into the wall and share with you.  i will try much more this year.

speaking of more, i have a lovely list started regarding my goals for 2012.  i don't really like new years resolutions and such, but i was definitely overdue for some life assessing and goal setting.

here goes:
*pray more
*read more
*craft more
*click the shutter more
*write more
*listen more
*exercise more
*save more
*organize more
*love more
*memorize more
*bake more

*spend less
*eat less (junk)
*waste less
*procrastinate less

i kind of like my list.

and i couldn't leave my first post of 2012 without a photo.  here is the most amazing family photo ever.  :)  hope you like it and thanks for reading.

michelle :)