Tuesday, March 23, 2010



crazy with school projects that just don't want to get done. but i hope they do. but i'm not sure if they will. but they always do. but i'm just stressing.

Monday, March 8, 2010

20 + change

it's been 25 years since I exited my mother's womb and entered this world. this world full of creativity, of love, of hatred, of variety, of conformity, of community. this beautifully ugly world. i've enjoyed much, i've laughed often, i've loved many, i've experienced some of the world's imperfections, and i've experienced some of God's perfection. i'm glad to be alive and intend to enjoy 25 very much...even though i feel just a tad old :) thank you for being a part of my existence. i have nothing but love for you.

now i must go and enjoy the rest of this day with my amazing family.
your young(ish) friend,